Monday, February 23, 2015

Landon wants babies and Sarah is 8 months old!

Yes, you read that right, Landon has declared he wants to have a child.

Landon:  "Would you want to have a dozen kids?" 
Me:  "I like just having the two I have."
Landon:  "Well, I want a lot of kids."
Me:  "How many children do you want?"
Landon:  "Um.  4."
Me:  "Why 4?"
Landon:  "Because that's less than 12.  12 is a dozen, you know."

This was the second conversation we've had lately where he's expressed interest in having children.  Another conversation he stated that "The woman I marry will feed the baby because only mommy's can make the milk.  But I can feed it baby food and play with the baby."

He's also been quite the chef in the kitchen lately.  He loves to help prepare food so I let him use a vegetable peeler and knife (with assistance). 
With the snow and cold weather L has been out of school for over a week.  He's played lots of board games, practiced writing, playing video games, built with Legos, and played in the snow.

Sarah Kat is really changes and growing.  She is starting to crawl by assuming the down dog yoga position and the leaching forward.  This is very tiresome and she gets frustrated after a few minutes.   We are confident she will figure out a more effective way to move around soon but for now we are happy we don't have to install baby gates just yet.

This girl loves to eat!  She figured out how to use a fork after only one try.  She drinks from a sappy cup and is mastering picking up small bits of food with the pincher grip.  

she loves bath time still!

She's begun to respond to sing and respond games.  Her favorite right now is Row a row row your boat...if you see a crocodile don't forget to scream!  After the song she screams :)
She also likes to "talk" to Landon and play alongside him.  
We were blessed with visits from Grandma and Grandpa and Mama Sissy and Papa Mike this month. 

Sarah has her first cold, but seems to be taking it like a champ, with lots of snuggles and cuddles.  

Dad c
an we take a picture together so when I'm outside playing and you're at work I can look at our picture and think of you?"
Jared "buddy, I'll play for awhile before I go to work. How does that sound? "
L "Awesome! You're the best!

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

A not so cold winter

So this winter hasn't been nearly as cold as last and we've had a few days where we've gotten to enjoy being outside WITHOUT our coats on! 

On those truly cold days, Landon has enjoyed playing Legos, reading books, and playing Rokenbok.

On those beuatiufl unseasonably warm days, Sarah and Landon have both enjoyed playing at parks.  Landon LOVES to play Ninjas, shoot Nerf guns and ride his Ket Car.

We had a wonderful weekend with Grandma and Grandpa this past weekend :)

Sunday was so nice we had a photoshoot, grilled hamburgers and took many walks!

Love these guys!

Sarah is really working her leg and arm muscles.  She is assuming the precrawling position!  She can get around the room scooting herself backwards!

Sarah now waves "hi" and says Mama, Ba ba (for banana) and has her won way of calling for Daddy.  She also shakes her head "no" when she's all done with food.  

Sunday, February 1, 2015

Sarah's first word!

On January 28, 2015 Sarah said her first word:


Sarah LOVES to eat!  She had her first teething biscuit last week.  She loved it! 

She slept in Daddy's arms for the first time in a long time last Sunday after church.

Landon loves to talk and explore with his sister.  He talks so gently to her.  He loves to teach her new signs and demonstrate all his "cool tricks" for her.

Sarah "helps" me cook by playing happily with kitchen tools

Landon and Daddy have gotten a lot of time to play video games and board games together.  We are very excited for the warmer weather, however.  We'd love to spend much more time outside!