Thursday, July 31, 2014

Sarah is 6 weeks old

Over the past few weeks, Sarah has continued to grow!  Her neck strength astounds us and she's very happy to be in our arms.  She does not, however, enjoy being put down.  The front carrier and sling have become very handy for sure! 
Here's a comparison of Sarah and Landon at 4, 5 and 6 weeks.
Landon loves her so much and he's so gentle with her.  He loves to talk to her and stroke her head.  

Sarah Kat had her first bottle at 6 weeks old.  After initially fussing, she quickly sucked down 2 oz and seemed to want more (this was after nursing).  She is quite the good eater and has the cheeks to prove it!

We celebrated Landon's 4th birthday with friends in the backyard.  The Ghostbusters theme was a hit!  

Field and Mel were so helpful in getting the party set up!  We are so grateful for their help and friendship!

Sue demonstrated her talents once again by fixing up the cake!

Yes it was delicious!

Kari and her family came as well as Uncle Jack and Roger from Harpers Ferry!

The kiddos had a blast in the pool

Where's Landon you ask?  Busting Ghosts of course!

The kids making their own proton packs

Good buddies!

The highlight of gifts was definable the Ecto-1 Lego set and comic books!  Of course he loved all his gifts and has been playing with each and every one all week!

Portable Proton Streams!

Okay, so us girls didn't follow my rules and shot each other with Silly String!  Oops!

Friday, July 18, 2014

Sarah is One Month Old!

July 17, 2014
This sweet girl is a month old today!  I just can't believe how fast the time has gone!  She weighed in at 9 lbs and 6 oz on Tuesday at her doctor's appointment.  She has a bit of acid reflux so she's on a medication to ease her discomfort.  We went through this with Landon and we were never offered any medications.  We struggled for weeks to get him to gain weight and keep milk down, but ultimately, we had to switch to formula.  Sarah is such a great nurser (in fact, when she's awake, that's where she wants to be).  We are so blessed with both our beautiful, sweet children!  

Who can believe this guy is 4?  He is charismatic, outgoing, witty, silly, energetic, imaginative, and has an excellent memory.  Most people comment on how articulate he is and how friendly he is.  

Monday, July 14, 2014


July 14, 2014

We dropped Landon off at VBS this morning. He didn't even notice the tears in my eyes.  He was too busy looking for his room number, introducing himself to his teacher and walking right into his classroom without looking back.  Just one more milestone in his growing up process!  I'm going to be a wreck come Kindergarten, but he'll be asking me to drop him off a block from the school I'm sure!  

Visit with Family :)

July 14, 2014


Friday, July 11, 2014

Sarah is 3 Weeks old and Landon is 4 years old! July 8, 2014

July 8, 2014

3 weeks old
 This sweet girl is staying awake more often everyday.  She loves to look out the windows, dance around the music and enjoys the swing as long as she's placed in it when full and happy :)

She likes her baths and doesn't seem to mind photo shoots :)  She loves to be held and likes to take walks while being carried so she can look around.  She is a big fan of the front carrier, but not so much of the car seat or stroller.
She is sleeping well at night and I am able to get her back to sleep quickly after nursing by way of the Paci.  She sleeps for 4-5 hour stretches at night and takes cat naps all throughout the day.

We are learning more and more about each other everyday and she is growing longer and chubbier everyday!
4 years old!
Landon is my Teenage Mutan Ninja Turtle, Ghostbusing, Monster truck and car loving, Scooby Doo watching, Lego Builder!  He is very creative and LOVES to build, play video games, read, ride his pedal go cart, run, jump, and crash cars.  He is learning to read by sounding out words and by context clues.  He loves to tell "jokes," make witty comments (that he has no idea why they are witty or why people laugh except he knows they get a chuckle), and talk to just about anyone who will listen.

He is very friendly, loves to laugh and joke, and keeps us smiling everyday.

Roxanne, Dave and Meghan came to help celebrate Landon's birthday.  We are so fortunate to have such great family who love and support us!

Sarah Kat is a huge fan of Aunt Meghan.  She just melts right into her arms :)

Sarah is just so sweet and easily comforted.  We are so blessed to have such an easy going baby girl!  

On a sour note, my camera's memory card has gone Kaployee and I've lost some really awesome pics of Sarah Kat in her 3 week outfit and pictures of Landon, Aunt Meghan, and Gino playing in the pool in the backyard on his birthday.  I am trying to recover them, but as Jared always says, "We have our memories.  We don't need a picture of everything."  But for those of you who know me best, I kinda do.

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Though walks are a little different with Sarah in tow, Landon is adjusting well.  He is learning he has to share his daddy's attention and his mommy is not immediately available to play all the time now.  I have to say, this has been the hardest part about having a new baby is helping Landon adjust to sharing attention.  

Bath time fun for us Heffron's

Dancing with daddy after bath

June 29, 2014  First time at church

Sarah did great at church!  She nursed for a little while at the very beginning of mass and then slept through the rest of church and playground time.  She awoke for the car ride home.  It seems she does not like car rides, but we are hopeful she will soon adjust.

June 30, 2014
We had a play date at the park with these kidos and then went to the ice cream parlor for lunch.  The boys were so happy to see one another.  They are all such great friends!

 So We've had Sarah for 2 weeks now and we all feel adjusted and surprisingly well rested.  She sleeps well, nurses well, and is generally an easy baby so far.  We are very lucky to have this sweet angel in our lives!  She loves to look at light coming in through the windows, the ceiling fan, and her brother.  She also loves music and when we sing and dance, she calms down quickly.  She is also a fan of the front carrier and nursing.

July 2, 2014

Ready to celebrate the 4th of July

Kari came to visit us today.  It was great catching up and sharing our little girl with her :)