Monday, December 21, 2015

Christmas is Coming and SK is 18 months old!

December 2015
These cool kids are really looking forward to Christmas :)  We've decorated out tree (only the top half has ornaments because our sweet SK likes to undecorate), visited Santa, made hundreds of Christmas cookies, decorated a Gingerbread house and so much more!

After the Christmas Parade she fell asleep in her daddy's arms. 

We got one picture with Santa before SK jumped into her daddy's arms.

These kidos are spending more and more time playing together.  

This sweet girl is VERY independent.  She wants and tries to do EVERYTHING by herself.  
She LOVES her daddy :)
She is talking up a storm these days and putting 2 words together.
She still uses sign language daily, but definitely is more interested in talking to explain her wants, needs, and ideas.
We enjoyed visits from Grandma and Grandpa and Aunt Meghan this month and we will be visiting with Mama Sissy and Papa Mike after Christmas.

Love these two so much!
Landon still amazes us with his reading abilities!  He earned his yellow belt and Attitude Badge in Karate and at home.  He loves to play Legos, video games, and pretends to be a Robo Dog,.

Sk repeats most words we say.  A few are particularly cute such as:

Chocolate Milk sounds like "Car key"
She says "Un" before a lot of words so she sounds very French. 

She LOVES Elsa and says "Elsa"

She counts, "One, Two Three!"

She sleeps with Rabbi, Owl, Mousey, and 2 pink baby dolls as well as a taggie blankie.  I fear the crew may expand as we get older.

She says "Down" when she wants up in a chair.  

At 4:30 both of my children act like they've never been fed and demand food right away.  If I am cooking (and I usually am), Sarah will grab hold of my legs and beg for food.  If not produced right away, she goes to the pantry and pulls out cereal and starts munching.  We call this the "bewitching Hour."

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

SK is 17 Months Old!

October 2015
16 Months

November 2015
17 Months old
She loves to climb, slide, run, and play outside.  

She loves watching out the window as her brother goes to school or waiting for her daddy to come home.

She loves to name her eyes, nose, mouth, ears, and of course her belly button!

These two love each other very much.  They play together most often, but they are beginning to push each other's buttons. 

She is talking a lot these days, but most of her words are babbles.  She knows quite a few words and signs and her vocabulary is growing everyday. 

She loves to explore and discover new things.  She loves to color and play with her baby dolls.

Her giggles are contagious and her spunk and outgoing personality draw people in.  When we are at her school, she runs down the halls like she owns the place.  She loves her teachers and her friends and seems to look forward to going to school :)

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Sarah Kat is 15 Months Old

This sweet girl is 15 months old!

Here she is at preschool :)  She had a rough first few days, but we're on the right track :)  

Sarah requested to go pee pee on the potty

Sarah Kat LOVES the book The Little Mouse the Red Ripe Strawberry and the Big Hungry Bear! 

Our first days at the Wesleyan Preschool :)

Sweet smile :)

Daddy hugs!

New signs:
Brush Teeth

New words:
Uh oh
Tee (tree)
Meow (cat)

This sweet boy loves school!  His favorite part of school is consistently:
"The bus ride, recces where we play My Little Ponies and Lunch."

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Landon began kindergarten today.  He was a little nervous last night, but had no problems getting on the bus.  He even gave me a kiss and said, “It’s okay, mommy you can go now”  (insert heart breaking).
He reported he had a very good day, but that his bus driver “had no idea what he was doing and took the wrong turn like 50 times.” 
Some of his favorite things about kindergarten were “recess” and “eating in the cafeteria with Emma.”

Jared and I are so proud of him and can’t wait to hear about all his adventures!

Landon borrowed a balance bike from a friend and is doing AWESOME on it.  His love of Legos is still going strong as well as his love for reading.  We are so impressed and proud of his reading abilities.  Many times while Jared and I are reading to him, he corrects our misreading mistakes. 

He loves his karate class and is looking forward to turning 6 so he can break boards.

Sarah Kat is 14 and a half months old! 

She is picking up lots of sounds and a few words every couple of weeks.  She babbles constantly, pointing to things as she “explains” her thoughts.  She learned 3 new signs just yesterday: Sleep, leaf and flower.  She is very observant, watching everyone around her and then copying their actions.  She especially loves watching her brother.

She starts preschool tomorrow and I begin working as a 4 year old preschool teacher.  We are both very excited for our new adventure!
She loves to give kisses and snuggles.  She’s finally beginning to let us read a book to her without tearing it out of our hands and flipping the pages herself.  Sarah likes to throw balls, run through the house chasing her brother, fill and dump containers of toys, stack blocks, and dance to music. 

Tonight she sat on her little potty without me prompting her and went pee!!! YAY!

Thursday, August 27, 2015

SK is 14 Months old and Landon continues to amaze and Delight!

August 17, 2015
 She has a new tooth on the top that will join her 2 bottom teeth soon!

This girl LOVES the water!

She loves to give kisses, hugs and laughing with her brother

She loves going on walks with us!

Landon's last day of Cowboy camp

Our trip to HSC August 26, 2015

Can you believe this boy is 5 and getting so tall!
He reads chapter books on his own, loves Legos and any other building material.