Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Nature HuntWe took off on our nature hunt armed with the wagon and keen eyes.  Landon collected leaves, sticks, rocks, plants, pine cones, and mulch.  

Back at home, he examined each item under the magnifying glass and made comparisons between many of the items.  He noted how things looked different from one another, how they felt, how they smelled, and even how they tasted (the honeysuckle).  Picking up natural materials is one of Landon's favorite things to do along our walks.  He usually brings at least one rock home everyday, naming it "Roxy" and giving it a voice.  They usually sit on our porch to "guard the house," but I'm sure if I let him, he would bring them all inside and we'd find them laying all over our house! 

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Landon is almost 4!

All about Landon:
This is the smile on Landon's face as he feeds a horse at Jared's coworker's faam in Mont Vale, VA.  
This kid loves to laugh, be silly, play pretend, climb, jump, dance, sing, play in the sandbox, push trucks, cars and trains around, fly planes, play games, and put together puzzles.  There is so much more to him than this, but for now that's what I can think of!
He is learning so much everyday and seems to really enjoy reading, writing, and making up stories.

Landon loves to play word games, such as "Word Bird put H with EN.  What word did Word Bird Make?  HEN!"  

My cloth diapering Journey begins...

Cloth Bum!
So these are what have been sucking up much of my time these days.  I've been doing a lot of research on the world of cloth diapering and this is the start of my stash!

So far, I feel like I have a pretty good start to cloth diapering, but I'm sure that once SK arrives, I'll find I've either bought too much or not enough.

More updates to come!
Updated stash picture


Newborn Stash so far

Top are Charlie Banana one size, middle fuzzibunz one size, lower are Applecheeks size 1, the black and white is a kawaii

Rumparooz One Size with my sweet boy playing, "Big Brother"

My favorite so far! Applecheeks Size 1