June 24, 2014
She spends the majority of the day (and night) sleeping. She wakes up to nurse and then nods right back off to dreamland.
The rare moments when she is awake, she likes to look around at the light streaming through the windows.
She has excellent neck strength and can lift her heavy cheeks up for a few seconds!
She loves the front carrier and I am so glad to have access to both hands!
During the day she'll nap anywhere I put her, but at night she tends to want to be in my arms. We are still working this out, but we are all getting much more sleep than we thought we would!
We took our first walk as a family of 4 the other night and it went pretty well.
People keep asking how Landon is adjusting to his new baby sister and to be honest, he's doing quite well. Every part of our day looks and feels a little different now that Sarah Kat is a part of our life and so we do his snags at times and we have to explain how things have to change a bit. The walk was one great example because Daddy picked up Sarah when she started to cry and Landon busted out crying stating, "I wanted Daddy to run with me." We compromised and daddy was able to carry Sarah for a bit until she fell asleep and then he ran with Landon the other half of our walk.
Landon is much more demanding of Jared's attention and time than of mine these days, so it has been an easy transition for me.Jared took all last week off and he's working half days this week, so Landon is definitely getting his "Daddy time." I do miss my buddy, however, and I have to say I look forward to having him to myself in the mornings again, but of course I am grateful for the time to bond with and care for Sarah Kat stress free :)
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