December 2015
These cool kids are really looking forward to Christmas :) We've decorated out tree (only the top half has ornaments because our sweet SK likes to undecorate), visited Santa, made hundreds of Christmas cookies, decorated a Gingerbread house and so much more!
After the Christmas Parade she fell asleep in her daddy's arms.
We got one picture with Santa before SK jumped into her daddy's arms.
These kidos are spending more and more time playing together.
This sweet girl is VERY independent. She wants and tries to do EVERYTHING by herself.
She LOVES her daddy :)
She is talking up a storm these days and putting 2 words together.
She still uses sign language daily, but definitely is more interested in talking to explain her wants, needs, and ideas.
Love these two so much!
Landon still amazes us with his reading abilities! He earned his yellow belt and Attitude Badge in Karate and at home. He loves to play Legos, video games, and pretends to be a Robo Dog,.
Sk repeats most words we say. A few are particularly cute such as:
Chocolate Milk sounds like "Car key"
She says "Un" before a lot of words so she sounds very French.
She LOVES Elsa and says "Elsa"
She counts, "One, Two Three!"
She sleeps with Rabbi, Owl, Mousey, and 2 pink baby dolls as well as a taggie blankie. I fear the crew may expand as we get older.
She says "Down" when she wants up in a chair.
At 4:30 both of my children act like they've never been fed and demand food right away. If I am cooking (and I usually am), Sarah will grab hold of my legs and beg for food. If not produced right away, she goes to the pantry and pulls out cereal and starts munching. We call this the "bewitching Hour."