Over the past few days Sarah has seemed to pick up quite a few new skills. She raises her head and legs up at the same time during tummy time in an airplane sort of move. She is also grabbing onto her clothes, hair, toys, and anything else that comes near her little hands! She has also started to put things into her mouth (toys and my arm mostly)
She "talks" to us a lot thses days and we just love her little coos and squawks. She also played the "tongue game" a lot these days. She smiles and coos at us when she's happy. Her eyebrows, though very faint, are very expressive. She makes lots of faces to tell us her mood.
Sleeping is still hit or miss at night. She sometimes goes 5-6 hours at a stretch before waking up to eat, but lately she's only been going about 3. Another growth spurt maybe?

Over the weekend, we traveled to HSC and Longwood so Jared could guest lecture at HSC. SK stayed in her first hotel. We all had a blast!
We caught up with Kari, Phil, and John in Farmville, had dinner at Macados and splashed in the fountain on Brock Commons.

At HSC, SK took her first hike through the woods on Wilson Trail. She slept through the whole thing!
Family pic at HSC September 2014
Look at how much this big guy has grown!