When we went ot our doctor's appointment on Tuesday, baby girl was doing all kinds of gymnastics moves! She had her foot in her hand and raised it above her head at one point! It feels so great to see her moving and hear her heart beating! Landon always requests for the Sonographer to let him hear her heart beat. He's very interested in whether she's kicking or not and loves to place his hands on my belly.
In other news, the weather has been a bit crazy here this week. We went from 75 degrees one day to 30 degrees the next with high winds and blustery nights. We are anxiously awaiting Spring!
Our sweet sweet boy is growing so fast! I just can't believe how lucky we are!
He's definitely my best friend and daddy's buddy! He loves to be in the same room with us, but has learned in the last few months that we all need to learn to play on our own too. He talks non stop and LOVES imaginative play! Since last summer (and maybe even before that I've lost track) he prefers to act and pretend over any other game or toy! He's happier with the cardboard sword, shield and proton pack that we've made than with any store bought toys. He's also learning to read by sounding out the letters.
Sign language is also a renewed interest of his. He asks us all the time how to sign different words and demonstrates his knowledge of ASL daily, especially at the dinner table.