Sarah is 6 months old!
25.75 inches long (45%)
16.2 lbs. (50%)
Landon at 6 mos.
January 8, 2011
27 inches long
18.2 lbs.
When you compare their stats, Landon is bigger than SK at the same point in their lives, but to me, Sarah feels so much bigger than Landon was for some reason. Maybe its the cheeks :)
Sarah is eating lots of purred foods, loves water from a cup with NO lid or out of a spoon. She sleeps through the night about 3 nights out of the week (same as Landon at this point), and is napping much better on her own during the day.
She is interacting with her environment and with us so much these days. She pulls on and grabs onto everything in her reach and is beginning to put things in her mouth.
She loves rolling over to get where she wants to go.
Landon and Sarah playing with kitchen tools :)
Landon still loves pretend play. He plays Ghostbusters, Ninjas, and Frozen often. He loves building with Legos, building with other blocks, reading, and playing outside. He also likes to help in the kitchen and laundry. He loves to tell jokes, retell stories, dance, sing, and play with his friends.